Alana had her Pre-K graduation at her daycare on Friday. It started out fine when they were walking in, but she got freaked out and started crying after she sat down. She wouldn't sing or say any of the things that the class had practiced. After half way through the ceremony, she did stop crying but she still did not say anything or participate in any way. She said she was scared of all the people, which is so not like her. All of you that know her know that she is a very outgoing person who doesn't know a stranger. We will be walking through Walmart and she just starts talking to people that are walking by. We were pretty shocked by her reaction. Below are some pictures that we got. You can see all faces throughout the ceremony.
This is her walking in.

This is just after she sat down and she started crying.

And here is some more crying.

This is when she stopped crying, but wouldn't say anything.

Still not talking.

This is when she got her award for being the most outspoken person in the class. Go figure.

This is when she was getting her diploma from Miss Darlene (the owner/director of the daycare). She is still not happy.

And this is afterward. She finally cheered up when she got around us.

And this is Skyler on our way home. She was pooped and she fell asleep with the duck's foot in her mouth.

Hope everyone has a great week!