We know that it has been a while since we updated the blog. We just can't seem to do it on a regular basis now. Anyway, we are doing good down here. Chris has been in Kentucky since the end of January with the National Guard. He has been knocking on doors and cutting up fallen trees in roads from the ice storm that went through Kentucky a couple of weeks ago. He will be home today. It will be great to have him back because I need some back up with Skyler. She is going through her "terrible twos" now and she can be such a bear sometimes. She can be so argumentative and so fussy. It will be nice to have Chris back so I am not the only one trying to calm down an irritated toddler.
We have had great weather for about a week now. It has been in the 60s and 70s. We have been having
alot of fun playing outside. It is so nice this time of year. It is not too cold and not too hot and the bugs aren't out yet. We will enjoy it while it lasts.
We are 34 1/2 weeks pregnant now. We are not ready for him to come into this world yet, but we don't have much to do to be ready. We basically need to wash the baby stuff around the house. We will get started on that this weekend.
Here are some pictures of the kids from our adventures outside recently. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

Cute piggy tails.

Alana dressed herself. She can be very creative putting outfits together.

Lots of fun times in the sand box.

And lots of fun in the swings.

Just being silly sisters.