Ashtyn is a very good baby and doesn't cry too often. She is a great nurser and a great sleeper. She only wakes up once in the middle of the night to eat! Her older siblings have adjusted really well to their younger sister. Brayden has gotten a little rough with her, but he is mostly a very good to her.
On June 20, 2010, my father passed away from cancer. On June 21, 2010, we started the trip to MN for the funeral. We drove through the night and got to MN on the 22nd. It was a 17 hour drive. Our pit stops were about an hour long due to feeding the baby and potty breaks. It went really well, though. The kids slept through the night. We also picked up our niece Alex before we left, who is spending the summer with her dad in TN. She was a big help with the kids at the pit stops. Thanks Alex!
All my siblings were home, which was wonderful. We rarely get everyone home at the same time. And I know we are a big reason for that because we don't make it home that often. The wake was on the 24th and the funeral was on the 25th. We started back to TN on the 28th. We didn't drive through the night this time so we didn't get home until the 29th. Again, the kids did so great on the way home.
Here are some pictures from the past month or so. Enjoy!
Just born Ashtyn Erica Schmit (named after my sister Erica)
Grama Robin with Ashtyn
Big sis Skyler with Ashtyn
Our four kids: )
Robin, Alana & Ashtyn
Going home!
Sweet new baby: )

The three older kids with the visors they made with grama.

Playing in the pool after we got home from the hospital.
We saw all kinds of animals in MN. Here is a lamb that Chris had to dive to catch. He was only a few days old.
L to R - Skyler, Brayden, Alana, Sophie and Katie. Sophie and Katie are Nick and Erica's girls. They were pretty proud to show our city kids around the farm.

This is Mr. Chewy. He is Sophie and Katie's favorite calf.

This is Sophie feeding the calves gummies. In simple terms, Nick feeds his calves corn. Gummies are made of corn syrup, which is a byproduct of corn. He gets the gummies from a gummy factory near by. They are the end of the line gummies that the factory will just throw away, so they sell them to farmers as feed for animals. They come in large cases or barrels and are an inexpensive energy source for the animals. Our kids thought it was pretty cool to feed gummies to cows.

Skyler feeding gummies to cows.

Alana and Skyler shared a bed in MN. This is how they ended up sleeping at one point during the night.

Brayden on the rings. Poor boy grabbed on to an electric fence and couldn't let go. Chris went to pull Brayden's hand off and his hand got zapped away so he just grabbed Brayden around the waist and fell backwards, which pulled Brayden off of the fence. Needless to say, they both got the shock of a life time: (