Happy Birthday Alana! She is 7 years old today! I say this every year, but time has sure flown by. She started 2nd grade yesterday, too! She is such a big girl! It is amazing to watch her grow up and see how she has changed over the years. Brings tears to my eyes....happy tears of course: )
Things are going well here for us. It's hot and humid, which is to be expected for August, but it doesn't make playtime outside fun. We sure can't wait for the cooler months ahead.
Below are some pictures from the last month or so. Enjoy!

Sweet Ashtyn after a tubby: )

Brayden likes to ride the Barbie jeep. Silly boy: )

He loves this mask!

He also loves chewing on the corners of his blankies made by gramma.

Water time!

Alana's birthday breakfast. Pancakes with fruit and Reddi-Wip.

Lazy day.

She did this all on her own. Too cute: )

We can get her to smile quite a bit now. I finally got a picture of her smile: )

Alana's Barbie cake.

Rainbow cake.

Opening gifts.