We had a pretty good weekend. We went to the lake and had a blast. Unfortunately, Skyler ended up with a virus. The doc thinks she ingested some of the lake water and got something icky and her body just couldn't handle it. Hopefully it will pass in the next day or two.
Alana started school last week and it started out great, but it ended pretty rough. She pushed a couple of kids down at the YMCA Fun Company because she wanted to be the line leader. Of course that didn't fly with us. We also noticed that she was crabby at night and in the morning. We figure she is tired because she has always taken a 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap every day and now she only gets 30 minutes of rest time in Kindergarten. This transition will be rough for her, but we are hoping she will get through it soon.
Last Friday we got a note from the principal saying that they have low enrollment in the Kindergarten classes and they need to turn the four Kindergarten classes into three. Of course Alana's class was the class that was split up and put into the other three classes. Her new teacher is Mrs. Stuart-Jasper. I've only heard great things about her and I know she has been a Kindergarten teacher for many years, but she doesn't come off as a very friendly person. Alana says she likes her, and that is what matters.
Let's hope the rest of the week goes well.

Check out Skyler's diaper. It burst from taking on so much water. She waddled like a duck. It was cute.

We thought this was hilarious. Alana would put a ball in a hole in the top and it would go around on the yellow part and then come out in one of the four holes on the bottom. Skyler would get down low and peek in the hole to see the ball come out. It was too funny.