The kids are doing great. Alana is doing so well in school. Skyler seems to be getting past her behavior issues.....some days anyways. Brayden is such a mischievous little stinker. He loves to climb and get into EVERYTHING! Oh well, he's a boy and we have gotten used to it. He keeps us entertained to say the least. Ashtyn is also doing so well. She is four months old now and weighs 15 pounds. She is still sleeping through the night, which is wonderful! She just got over her first ear infection and seems to being doing really well now.
We went to Oktoberfest in Nashville and the only pictures I got were of Alana and Skyler on the ponies. They really enjoyed that. They also played in a bounce house, went through a petting zoo, got balloon animals and ate an okay lunch. The meal wasn't great but we had a funnel cake for dessert and that totally made up for it.

Ashtyn can now get her feet in her mouth!

Silly Braydo!

The kids played in some shaving cream the other day and they had a blast. Skyler made the biggest mess by far, but it was easy to clean up.

My mom came to town last weekend and we went to see a Chihuly glass exhibit at Cheekwood Botanical Garden. They have his pieces lit up at night and we thought it would be neat to go at night. did every body else. It took us an hour to drive the last half mile into Cheekwood. The line of cars was ridiculous and we just had to wait our turn to get in. Then we had four kids and two or three of them were in two strollers we brought with. We didn't realize that it was going to be so packed with people or that it was going to be so dark in between the pieces. It was really hard to drive strollers on the paths with all the people and in the dark. BUT....his stuff was very beautiful and I'm so glad we went. I didn't take too many pictures while we were there, but these are the best ones we got. His glass pieces were incorporated into the gardens with the plants and they were in the water and they also just stood alone in the grass. Very beautiful!

Silly Braydo!

The kids played in some shaving cream the other day and they had a blast. Skyler made the biggest mess by far, but it was easy to clean up.

My mom came to town last weekend and we went to see a Chihuly glass exhibit at Cheekwood Botanical Garden. They have his pieces lit up at night and we thought it would be neat to go at night. did every body else. It took us an hour to drive the last half mile into Cheekwood. The line of cars was ridiculous and we just had to wait our turn to get in. Then we had four kids and two or three of them were in two strollers we brought with. We didn't realize that it was going to be so packed with people or that it was going to be so dark in between the pieces. It was really hard to drive strollers on the paths with all the people and in the dark. BUT....his stuff was very beautiful and I'm so glad we went. I didn't take too many pictures while we were there, but these are the best ones we got. His glass pieces were incorporated into the gardens with the plants and they were in the water and they also just stood alone in the grass. Very beautiful!