Alana is doing great in school and is loving it! She is such a social butterfly and loves being around everyone. Her 2nd grade teacher is Mrs. McWhirter. I've spoken to her a few times and she really seems great. Alana likes her, so that is what really matters: )
Brayden is such a sweet little boy but he can be such a punk some times! He's different from the girls at this age. He acts so much like a boy and does such boy stuff and loves daddy's things. Especially tools. He loves tools! Any time we may leave a screw driver around, he finds it fast and then fixes stuff. He seems so smart for his age, too.......compared to what we can remember with the girls. He is such a talker now, too. No surprise since his daddy and big sisters are such talkers. He doesn't say many words when he talks, but he just babbles on and tells you all about whatever it is. So cute!
Ashtyn is a sweet girl. She has been sleeping through the night for about 3 or 4 weeks now. Most nights anyway....she has woken up a few times in the middle of the night to eat, but she goes right back to sleep. She gets a bit crabby during the day, but it's nothing we can't handle. She likes to be held and we just can't hold her all the time!! She just has to wait some times and she just doesn't always want to wait. She's gonna be just like her sisters!
Chris and I are doing well. Our lives consist of working and keeping up with the kids. They sure keep us busy! Here are some pictures from the last month. Enjoy!
Sweet baby Ashtyn - 3 months old

Silly Brayden!

Alana is part of a group at school called Reading, Running, Responsibility. She meets once a week for an hour and a half after school and she jogs, reads and learns to be responsible. Once a month they meet at a walking trail down the road from us and run a mile. They all run a half mile down and turn around and come back. Dad ran with them and pushed Skyler and Brayden for the first half mile and then Skyler got out and ran the second half non stop! We couldn't believe she could do it but she sure did. Alana also ran the mile non stop. So did Chris: ) Alana is the one in the middle with the white shirt and purple shorts.

Skyler has a captive audience while she eats her snack.

Just woke up!

Bray likes to chew on the corners of his blankies. He shares corners sometimes, too: )

Ashtyn has followed in her sibling's footsteps and loves her blankies from Gramma. She loves to chew on them.....and she loves the really old swing just like her siblings.

Bray got stuck in the stroller: ) Yes, I paused to take a picture before I got him out. Terrible, I know.
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